Friday, March 2, 2012

Confidence is key..

I have come to realise in the last four weeks that confidence is key in loosing weight. The weight I have lost is not necessarily immediately noticeable to anyone, except me. And when I have looked in the mirror and seen the changes in myself or felt them in my clothes my confidence has grown and it has encouraged me to work harder.

Each time I set myself am exercise goal and achieved it I felt a million dollars. Just running any distance was like climbing Everest for me!

Now, as you know I've had a crap month of Feb and decided to write it off entirely. I haven't been to a weight watchers class, I haven't tracked and I haven't exercised.

So the result at the end of Fev beginning of March? Total loss of confidence in myself. And it's funny, I knew I didn't feel good about myself but couldn't figure out why.

I really never believed in all that "exercise makes you feel good" malarkey! Really, I thought it was a trick to make inactive people move!

I also can't believe the effect my own inner voice (coupled with a few choice words from others) can have on my success. My negative thoughts about me have knocked the socks off me!

But, now I realise what I have been doing wrong and the things that I need to do right to feel better, not just loose weight, but actually feel better again!

So tomorrow morning it's up and out for a run. Time to get back to positivity!

As the old proverb says a journey of a thousand miles starts with the smallest step!

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